Before making any land transactions in Wayanad, it’s vital to have the right paperwork in place. Here’s a checklist of important documents to secure:
- Latest Deed: Document showing current ownership.
- Back Documents: Historical records of the land.
- Pattayam: Record of land rights.
- Death Certificate and Family Membership Certificate (if applicable): Proof of ownership transition after a death.
- Land Tax Receipt: Proof of tax payment.
- RoR – Tandaper Account: Land revenue records.
- BTR Copy (Basic Tax Register): Tax history documentation.
- Encumbrance Certificate (35 years): Proof of clear ownership for the past 35 years.
- Possession Certificate & Non-Attachment Certificate: Proof of possession and non-attachment to other properties.
- Certificate of Occupancy: Proof of authorized occupation.
- FMB Land, Location Sketch & Certificate: Land maps and location validation.
- Building Permit: Approval for construction.
- Receipt of payment of building tax: Proof of tax payment for construction.
- Current bill paid: Confirmation of current financial status.
- Payment of water bill: Proof of payment for water services.
- Finally notary advocate legal opinion.
Trust ‘Wayanad Links’ for reliable assistance in these matters.